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Exercise and Weight Loss

December is finally here and I bet I can guess what’s on your mind (well the majority of you anyway!) FOOD! We all stress about the holiday treats. The temptation is real and it’s intense. We’re afraid that we’re going to over eat. It’s ok to feel that way.

I’m not going to talk about surviving the holidays, however I am going to be talking about food, breastfeeding mom and fat-loss.

As a breastfeeding mom who would like to lose the baby weight, it’s important to really understand what’s happening within our bodies and the importance food plays. We need lots of it to maintain a sufficient supply of milk! Feeling hungry ALL the time is normal at this point and it does get easier. I promise!

Our hormones are still running rampant! Breastfeeding causes our estrogen & progesterone to dip and our prolactin levels to rise. We need estrogen to burn fat and when these levels are low, we’re just not burning fat the way we would before pregnancy. Again, all very normal stuff!!

Now, that you have a better understanding of what happens can help you choose the best fitness program for your needs and focusing on fat-loss or weight-loss programs at this time may only get you discouraged.

Programs that target postpartum moms wanting to lose weight don’t address these factors. If you’re breastfeeding, exercising, sleeping when you get a chance and eating well and your body composition isn’t changing much, it’s not because you’re not doing enough. Believe me, you ARE! You don’t need to restrict calories and add in more exercise, this is a process that just takes time and hormonal balance.


Instead, focus on Core Breathing. This is from my newest program launching soon called Core Foundations. This program is designed for new moms who want to regain core strength, retrain their pelvic floor and want to ease back into an exercise program down the road. Core Foundation will also be included in Love Your Baby Body, an online fitness and coaching program for new moms (launching December 31st!). If you would like to try out a Free 4-week trial workout, click here!

Love your baby body,


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