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Free Workout For Each Trimester

Staying fit and active during pregnancy can be a really chore, especially in the first trimester with all of that fatigue and nausea. I know it was the last thing I wanted to do--sleeping seemed like a better options. But did you know that a light workout can help with your energy levels? That’s right, a little movement can go a long way during that first trimester.

During the second trimester, we start to feel a little like ourselves again and the thought of working out doesn’t result in nap time afterwards.

pregnancy fitness

Exercise during pregnancy has amazing benefits and can really increase our body-image, but we need to take special care as our pregnancy progresses. Fitness during needs to help support a healthy pregnancy, prepare our bodies emotionally and physically for labour and delivery, as well as help our bodies recover post pregnancy.

Today, I am giving you a free pregnancy workout for each trimester. The first trimester is especially designed to help you move a little when you’re feeling on the tired side, the second is to help maintain strength while taking into consideration your growing baby, and the third is to prepare your body for birth.

Click here to get your free printable workout

This workout pairs wonderfully with my new, free ebook “Your Guide For Fitness During Pregnancy” . This ebook outlines everything you need to know to about pregnancy exercise and how you can support your healthy pregnancy.

Click here to get your Free copy, today!

Love your baby body,


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