How I Worked Out In the First Trimester
Now that the cat is out of the bag, I can finally share my pregnancy experience with you. This baby was a surprise to say the least!
I’m always getting asked about fitness during pregnancy. Believe it or not, there is a ton of confusion about how to workout during pregnancy. Some women continue to train the same way they did through their entire pregnancy, some women back off on the intensity, and others will stop training altogether.
Exercise has incredible benefits, we all know this but pregnancy can be tough for some women. I am no exception!

During my first trimester, I mostly lived day to day. Truth be told, I felt like I was up drinking every single night without the fun! The nausea started week four and it’s still going strong some days. I’m 14 week now!
I did my best in. On days I felt good, I would focus on full body movements that targeted everything. I’d lift some weight for an added challenge but nowhere near where I was before pregnancy. My energy levels just didn’t allow for it.
The important thing for was that I listened to my body. If my body wasn’t able to perform the way I was asking it, I’d back off the weight and at times, I would use body weight, do some soft tissue release and focus on mobility. I didn’t try to push through anything or prove anything.
There were weeks where I maybe worked out once or twice for only a few minutes and there were times where I was able to do more. There were even times where I didn't do anything at all. I did the best that my body would allow but being sick and tired day in and out made life really hard.
I made the decision to go on diclectin at about 8 weeks and it has been a life savour! When I started feeling like myself, I was able to be a little more consistent. Again, I didn’t push it. I still had some pretty rough days. If I wasn’t feeling well, I’d stick with something low impact.
Me at 10-weeks.
I love to move and push myself but pregnancy isn’t the time to be forcing that. Understanding the physiological changes that my body is going through allowed me to be patient. This was difficult emotionally but my body was doing exactly what it needed to do and I needed to take care of it.
If you're finding yourself in the same place, do your best! I hear you. It's hard but it will get better and you will return to your active self. Take the time to rest when you need and move when you feel up for it. This is only temporary.
Love your baby body,
Are you expecting a baby and unsure how to continue working out? Download my Fitness During Pregnancy Handbook which is loaded with everything you need to know about fitness during this very special time. As a bonus, I've included a free workout for each trimester! Click here for your Free Handbook now!