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"Do It Because Someone Is Watching" Is A Load!

Ever see those #fitspos? You know, the ones that tell you you should be working out because “someone is watching”.

Yeah, how good does that make you feel when you’ve had a rough night and all you want to do is zombie out and watch Netflix and make frozen pizza for dinner?

I use to believe in that crap. I’d stress out that I wasn’t eating the best that I could or had to miss a workout. I would do ANYTHING not to miss a workout. The anxiety and fear that I would undo all the work that I did because I had to miss a session at the gym.

Don’t get me wrong, I want to be the best example for my 2 kids. My hope is to teach them to love their bodies and who they are as people. They are great people by the way!

Baby lifting

What will they learn from me working out for the purpose of them watching me workout?

If they are watching me love and respect my body, that’s how they will learn to love and respect theirs. They will learn to eat well and be active because they love it and not because they think they have to to gain my approval. They will enjoy being active because I enjoy being active. Not because of guilt or shame.

So, no. I take my fitness advice from any #fitspo. I’m not going to be shamed into working out because my kids are watching me. I workout because I enjoy it and it makes me feel good. Like Molly Galbraith from Girls Gone Strong says “Workout because you love your body, not because you hate it”.

Love your baby body,



Join me on February 6th at 1 PM for my free webinar called Post-Baby Fitness Essentials. You will learn how to:

  • Why you need to retrain your pelvic floor and your core

  • How to set realistic fitness goals

  • How high-intensity training programs can affect your hormonal profile, milk supply and postpartum recovery.

To gain access to this free webinar, travel on over and register by clicking here!

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