What You Need To Know Before You Start a Mom & Baby Bootcamp
Looking to return to fitness post-pregnancy? Here's what you need to know before joining a mom and baby bootcamp.

Climbing Out Of My Dark Room Into Sunlight
I thought I was better prepared during my second pregnancy. I had survived postpartum depression (PPD) once but I was determined not to...

What You Need To Know When Working With A Personal Trainer or Coach
Hiring a personal trainer isn’t the luxury it once was. There are many options for folks who don’t have private villas in Aspen or jet...

When I Learned That It Wasn't My Body
I use to exercise to be to look like a fitness model. I had it in my head that being super fit equals beautiful and growing up, I never...

Creating Your Vision For 2017
It's now 2017 and my newsfeed is filled with hopes and dreams. I love seeing that! So this is what you NEED to do! So I have a little...