Why "Listen To Your Body" May Not Be The Best Advice For Pregancy Exercise
If you’re reading this, you were probably told that when it comes to exercise during pregnancy, to listen to your body. This was advice that

Are You Looking To Bounce Back Post-Pregnancy?
There is a real fear of weight gain in our society and a lot of us work extremely hard to avoid it. We will wake up at 5 am after being...

Are You Doing "The Kegel"?
Have you been told to “kegal” or “stop the flow of urine” to strengthen the pelvic floor? This is a very common move for moms of all...

10 Strategies To Workout During Pregnancy
Congratulations on your pregnancy! Now, I bet you have a lot of questions about how to continue with strength training during this time....

What Most Fit Pro's Don't Know About Fitness During and After Pregnancy.
I want to tell you a story that happens way too often. I was speaking with a new coaching client and she was serious into fitness. I...

Does A Hard Workout Equal A Good Workout?
Fitness, in general should be complementary to your current lifestyle. It should be leaving you feeling a little more energized and not...

Giving Yourself Permission To Heal After Birth
I had a client yesterday, 2 months postpartum, exhausted because her baby has been sick, so needless to say, she’s on the stressed side....

3 Simple Steps To Loving Your Baby Body
I’m now a year postpartum with my second child and being a mom to a little girl has given me more strength to appreciate my body more...

The Most Important Thing I want For My Daughter: 1Year Postpartum
Wow, I can’t believe it’s been a year already! Cass is going fast and I can’t seem to keep up with her busy personality. Being a mom of...

Your Birth Matters In Your Postpartum Fitness Planning
When I'm assessing a new client, I kinda put them through the ringer (in a good way of course! I want to address their alignment and...